News Archive
This Section specializes in keeping record of all the news which have outdated the front news page. Scroll down to read, starting with most recent to the older entries. |
News 24th June 2000 -Pictures, Cold Fever Episode and Blood and Water 9! Well, I have some good news to report, that is, there's a new (and totally unexpected) episode up in Realvideo on none other than Megaman's Site. Speaking of Megaman, I must applaud the guy. He's helped me to complete my Profiles section with picture of every agent! :) So now, I have moving gifs of every single agent and their masks, except for Julio Lopez, and that one is forthcoming as well. Thanx Megaman! Also, all you Blood and Water fans may rejoice. Lisa has turned out Chapter 9 of Blood and Water and off go you to the Fanfiction Archive. Also thanx to everyone who helped with this update. I'll be changing the poll topic next week (or so). As usual, if you have any poll topics you want to send me, do so. Lastly, I have now a new email account. Please mail me at from now on. My Hotmail Account just can't keep up anymore. Thanx! 16th June 2000 -Massive Update Whew! It hasn't been recent when I've been able to put that up as a headline. Nevertheless, I've finally finished this :) Firstly, we have a new fanfic from Brian Kelly. 'Generations' Part 2 is currently in our archive! As a last minute Surprise, Kallah announces she has Chapter 3 of 'Bonfire on Ice' ready. I have also updated the Contributions section, added some more quotes, and reorganized the whole site. Also threw in a link bar on top of the page. Also, thanx to Vanessa Kubiak, I have the lost M.A.S.K. Teaser online! Thank goodness! Just in case anyone wants to know, I also added a little section about myself. I saved the best for last though. The entire Profiles Section has been completely redone. To add the icing to the cake, or so to speak, I have a little surprise in wait for anyone of you guys who decides to take a look... What is it? Not saying! Thanks to Lisa, Hitman, Brian Kelly, Vanessa Kubiak, P Stevens, Megaman, and Kallah for this update :) 30th May 2000 - More Fanfics Just added several fanfics to the archive. It never rains but it pours. The new additions are 'Intercontinental Disaster' by none other than the rampaging Hitman, Generations Part 1 by Brian Kelly (Remember Buddie, the Vampire Slayer?) and Chapter Eight of Lisa Leonard's Blood and Water. There's also a links section in the fanfic archive, and I've linked some fanfic realated sites. Also added some links. For those who feeling like Role Playing, you might want to try out M.A.S.K. 2K, a Role Playing game where you can create your own character and control him/her. There's also a new episode link where you can buy episodes of the M.A.S.K. Got plenty of quotes, but I'm saving them for the next update. Keep them coming! Ok, that's it. Enjoy! - Hytac 24th May 2000 - More Quotes Just a short update. Some new quotes have been added to the quotes section. Special thanks to The Hitman and Darcy. 23rd May 2000 - Beware the Toy Dealer Let me just say I hate having to do this. But this is something that has to be done. I have recieved several complaints regarding the toy dealer:Men In Black Collectibles lately. I have also been hearing some rather bad things about this dealer, which prompted me to put up a 'Caution' tag next to the link , but now I think that's too mild a warning. To those who would follow my advice, Please do not deal with MIB Collectibles for time being. Further reports will follow. 22nd May 2000 - Lots of new stuff and Hytac blunders... Well, I have lot's o' stuff for you guys this update: Hitman has produced two more fanfics(MASK the Origin and Roadpirates), and another one should be coming out soon as well. To add to that we also have the last part to Wait For the Dawn (Finally!). All these lovely fanfics are awaiting you in the fanfic archive. You may also notice I got rid of that way too long introduction and gave it its own page. I've also added a two question FAQ which I WilL update sometime or other. We also have a new section, the Quotes section. Not too many entries in that yet, But I'm sure it'll fill up in time. Now... the bad news... Hytac accidentally erased the one and only M.A.S.K. Teaser while adding in another. (Speaking of which, there's a new one submitted by Thunderhawk. This one is really far out, trust me.) And to makes things worse I neglected to keep a backup. Figures. Fortunately it's my own, so I can be mad at myself instead of others being mad at me. I'm also working on a surprise for profiles section. Hint: Good news for guys with decent modems, bad news for the s-l-o-w ones. That's all I'm saying for now. 8th May 2000 - First racing series episode and new M.A.S.K. page Megaman, one of the guys in my 'cool' list, has just put up another M.A.S.K. Episode on his page which is none other than "Demolition Duel to the Death", Episode one in the racing series. Be warned, it's vastly different from the original series. This particular episode features mostly Buddy. Is it just me, or does Wildcat look a lot like Firecracker? Anyway, a must-see for anyone who hasn't seen the racing series. And the safety tip is enough to make you roll off your chair laughing. ;) Secondly, Zach has just unveiled his new page: Secret Raiders This one has quite a lot of info and pictures. So head over there and have a good time! Also, there might be some problems with the poll: some of you might not be able to vote. I'm trying to get to the bottom of the problem, so stay patient, ok? Ok, off go I! - Hytac 4th May 2000 - G.I. Joe and M.A.S.K. Crossover It was about time someone wrote a crossover connecting these two... and it turns out that someone is none other than The Hitman himself. This pleasantly lengthy fanfic (called Lethal Sound Waves) just appeared on the mailinglist. To top it off, The Hitman has also done some illustrations for it. You can see it in the fanfic archive or just take a shortcut to the Hitman's website hereand here for part 2 We also have the results of the previous poll, which is as follows:
Have you noticed that in the original cartoon series, Gloria and Matt had a thing for each other?
It's like, obvious, man... 30 votes (42%)
I guess most people agree on the fact that the creators meant to have a relationship between them two, but never got around to developing it. Out new topic is also by the Hitman. This one concerns out favourite (Or not so favourite) boy-for-kids-to-identify-with. What do you think of him? Vote and find out! Also, we're having this new quotes section, due to demand. So what are ya waiting for? Start sending in you favourite quotes! All you need to do is send in the quote and who said it. That's it. No need for the name of the episode it came from or anything like that, although it would be nice... Lastly, the Mindforge will be undergoing another revamp. It hasn't started yet, but I'll be adding a few new section, reorganizing others etc. The Boulderhill Mailinglist will be one year old on June 9th! How about that?! 28th April 2000 - Star Chariot Episode The episode Star Chariot has been up on Megaman's site since last week. I've been busy lately, first in RL and I'm planning to give the site a reorganization. So if the site is down sometime the next two/three weeks, you'll know why. - Hytac 15th April 2000 - Blood and Water 7, Pandora's Penumbra and I need a new poll topic... Hmmm... I think I need shorter headlines too. Anyways, we now have the seventh installment of Lisa's Blood and Water. I wish to apologise to Lisa for waiting so long to get it up (She submitted it to me well over a week ago) but I hope those illustrations will make up for the delay. And if any of you should wish to try your hand at fanfic writing, you should try Pandora's Penumbra, a new online story started by Chris Herff (Did I spell that right?). You can hop over there through this link Chris should thank Lisa for this, BTW ;) Lastly, I'm long overdue for a poll change. But I need a poll topic first. Please send in your poll topics. One thing first though, I have recieved several poll suggestions which were quite good, but unfortunately I didn't think I could post since the questions didn't seem suitable as they were: a) Too common - I think most of us already have seen a lot of the usual poll topics already. So no point repeating topics such as "Who is the coolest agent?" or "Who has the greatest mask/vehicle?" Try something no one ever thought of or even downright silly, as long as it's interesting or thought provoking, it'll do.
Ok, if all that hasn't discouraged you yet ;) you can send your poll topics to 7th April 2000 - M.A.S.K. Crusaders NL Well, it's a happy day for us all! A new top notch M.A.S.K. page has joined our ranks! It's non other than the successor to the very popular M.A.S.K. Universe, M.A.S.K. Crusaders NL. It's got a lot of stuff, most of it's in Dutch though. Still, you might want to head over and have a look. 30th March 2000 - Buddy the Vampire Slayer Yes, you did read that right. 'Buddie, the Vampire Slayer' is the name of a new fanfic we have in our fanfiction archive. Written by Brian Kelly, this new fanfic is about... geez, the titles says it all, doesn't it? Anyway, hop over, have a look, and enjoy yourselves. Okocha has also submitted a new Enemy Agent, which you can find in the M.A.S.K. Enemies section. Both M.A.S.K. Agents and M.A.S.K. Enemies have been give a nice update, and to top it off, there's a whole load of new pictures in the Realvideo Screenshots section (Under M.A.S.K. Images), including some special 'extended screenshots' which you won't find elsewhere. Well, that's it! - Hytac
14th March 2000 - Eyes of the Skull Rejoice! Megaman has posted yet another M.A.S.K. episode on his site. As fortold earlier, it's the episode 'Eyes of the Skull' and this is no ordinary episode. I have watch it, and I must say I highly recommend it. You can head for Megaman's page by clicking that oh-so lovely banner right above the news section. If any of you have the episodes below, do contact Megaman and let him know. Thanx. Or you can just mail him and let him know how much we value what he's been doing. 24. Counter-Clockwise Caper
-Hytac 5th March 2000 - Mailinglist Blow-up It was too good to last. A member of the M.A.S.K. Mailinglist, which is run by The Hitman, has been banned for unsuitable conduct. That is putting it mildly, of course. You can follow the whole story in in form of mailinglist posts with the links below: Mail 1: From Mike Douton regarding my poll topic and some other stuff.
So there goes the story. I hope I haven't been too biased (I'm trying my best not to be, but sorry if I am ) in the telling of it. Mike, if you're reading this, I just want to say it was nice knowing you, sorry to find out about you like this, and bye. Hopefully something like this won't happen again. I'll keep you updated on what happens next. - Hytac, all roasted from the flame. 3rd March 2000 - Help Megaman out! A bit of news I missed out in the last update. Megaman sent a post to the mailinglist a couple of days ago. Part of... actually, the whole of it goes as follows:
" I have some more good news. I have just received another batch of MASK eps
today. 11 more to go and the full run will be collected and then we can
start to talk copies. ^_^ "
"This now means that if anyone wants me to post the Eyes of teh Skull ep on a
future update, let me know and I'll see if the ep is in good enough shape."
"If any of you have the following eps, please contact me at"
24. Counter-Clockwise Caper
Needless to say, if any of you guys out there have any of these episodes, Do send them to Megaman. Thanx. Also, I think I forgot to mention the results for the previous poll. Here it is:
Which of the M.A.S.K. vehicles is most likely to get shot down in an episode? Condor = 21 votes (38 %)
The contest has been mainly between both Condor and Thunderhawk all along. Thunderhawk took the lead at first, but Condor caught up and passed it, then fell behind Thunderhawk again, and almost caught up, but fell short by two votes. As usual, send me your poll suggestions here 2nd March 2000 - New Poll, and news from Megaman Well, guys, as you can see... the new and improved poll box is up with a new poll topic, one suggested EternalGo. He's one of the earliest guys to give me feedback on my site, so my thanks go to him. I know that there is a similiar poll topic going on at the M.A.S.K. Zone, so let me just say it first: this poll topic was suggested before Mike put his up. In fact it was during the Brad/Vanessa vote, but I didn't put it immediately afterwards since it didn't seem right to have two relationship based questions in a row. Next, we have some news from Megaman regarding the M.A.S.K. episodes. He's managed to procure some more episodes for his collection. Hopefully he'll have an episode up on his site soon. The one most likely to come up is the episode: 'Eyes of the Skull'. You can mail Megaman and ask him if you like. Ok, now off you go to vote in the poll and DoN't FoRgEt To SiGn my Guestbook!!! 27th Febuary 2000 - Secret Files of The Mobile Armored Strike Kommand Update and some mentions of M.A.S.K. in the PVP forum The Hitman has given his page a minor update. It's in the link page. He's changed the old description for the Mindforge too. :D He's also added a couple of fanfics, both already included in the Mindforge archive. Also, A topic was raised over at one of my favourite online comic strips: Player Versus Player a few days ago. Someone brought up the topic of our respective favorite 1980's cartoons, and after browsing through them, I found the M.A.S.K. featured pretty prominently. Good to know that it hasn't been forgotten :) You can head for the PVP Forums here and read the PVP comic here 25th Febuary 2000 - Grants's debut and new Toy Site. Hop over to the Fanfic archive and have a look at Grant Erswell's debut fanfic (on the Mindforge at least) called M.A.S.K.: The Beginning. Tired of waiting for the next chapter Blood and Water? Wondering when the next chapter of Half-Mask or Light Burns is gonna come out? Well, just head over, have a read, and experience something really different. Also, there's a new Toy Site link submitted: The Men In Black Collectibles are now officially linked to the Mindforge. They've got quite a large range of M.A.S.K. Toys. But be wary, the page takes a darn long time to load. Well, that's it! 17th Febuary 2000 - Double Release To you guys who have been grumbling at my lack of updates recently: grumble no more. A double release of fanfic, that is: Chapter Six of 'Blood and Water' (Wow!) and Part 3 of 'Wait for the Dawn' have been simultaneously posted for your enjoyment. To add to the fun, I've done some illustrations for both of them. Sooo.... "Fly you fools!" - Gandalf, Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien Yes, Fly to the fanfic archive, and fly fast! ;) 4th Febuary 2000 - New Poll A new poll is up! The voting for the old one is closed as usual, with the results as follows:
If any of the vehicles could exist, which one do you think
could be made for real?
Firecracker = 12 votes (33 %)
So it's a tie between Rhino and Firecracker. :) Don't forget to mail in your vote topics to me! - Hytac ps: Sorry for the mess this update was in yesterday. That's what you get when you update in a hurry. 3rd Febuary 2000 - Bonfire on the Ice You've been waiting long enough! The second chapter of Kallah's Bonfire on Ice is here. You can zip over to the Fanfics section right now and have a read. Stay tuned for more possible fanfics. :) Don't forget the M.A.S.K. Zone chat is on today! I may show up, but it's a rather odd time, so make it a big may. Nevertheless, do try and join... I'm sure you'll be more than welcome (depending on your behavior, o' course) To all the Chinese out there: Happy Chinese New Year, hope you get lots of 'ang pow' ;) 28th January 2000 - Hey! Where's the comic? What's this Mindforge fact thingy? Calm down. I decided that that large space on the front page would better be served by putting something useful instead of a huge JPEG which might take ages to load for those people with slower machines. The Half-Mask comic is still available, but it's now in the images section only. The new feature, the Mindforge facts is something like a guide to navigate the site. It'll help to point out where you might want to go if you want this or that. Hopefully, it'll be of use. If not, well, then I guess back we go to the old arrangement again... 27th January 2000 - M.A.S.K. Zone Chat Mike of The M.A.S.K. Zone has extended an invitation to the first M.A.S.K. Zone chat. The chat will be held on Thursday, February 3rd at 8:30pm Eastern Time. Don't know what time that is in your time? Visit here to find out! I'm thinking of attending, if my busy schedule permits it. I hope that maybe a few of you guys out there will be interested and hop over to his place at that time. - Hytac 21st January 2000 - Megaman Episode and cool animation. The episode 'Fog on Boulderhill' has been put up on Megaman's site. So it won the vote after all. I would have reported this earlier, but I have been busy in RL. Sorry. Kate of the M.A.S.K. mailinglist has come up with this really cool M.A.S.K. agent ID animation. You can see it here. 15th January 2000 - Two new M.A.S.K. Sites and a new Poll Surprise, surprise. I'd like to welcome two new sites to the M.A.S.K. online community. I just discovered them while surfing thorugh some websites yesterday. They are: The M.A.S.K. Zone and Kevin's M.A.S.K. Fan Page Both of them are quite new, and still in progress, but if you guys out there are tired of surfing through M.A.S.K. sites that are never updated. (Ok, I know, I'm being mean but I get tired of seeing sites that haven't been updated for over a Year!) Anyway, back to the topic, you might want to give those two a try. Craig's site has also been updated a couple of times. The new poll has been suggested by none other than the very popular Ray 'Megaman' Hashman. The vote for the old one is closed, with the results as below:
What is your opinion on the relationship hinted in the racing series between M.A.S.K. agent Brad Turner and V.E.N.O.M. agent Vanessa Warfield?
Over my dead body = 5 votes (16 %)
So, It would seem that The pro-relationship ('Something that had to happen' + 'Great! I can't think of a better match') won by a margin to beat the anti-relationship ('Over my dead body' + 'Not my taste...') by a total of 3 votes. (Yes, I can hear you screaming already, Hitman ;) ) Thanx for those guys who were nice enough to send me poll suggestions. I'll try to put as many of them up in the future. - Hytac 12th January 2000 - Illustrations and feedback If one of you went through the new archive long long ago you might find me making some mentions of drawing illustrations for Lisa L.'s Blood of water. Well, I've delayed it enough. I've finally done some. Three, to be precise. One is of Roxanne, Lisa's main character, another of Brad and a disguised Vanessa, ther third is Buddy is a very cute looking Harvard University outfit. Anyone from Harvard out there? Yes, I know the outfit isn't real. But pay it no mind, ok? You can see the illustrations is Lisa's latest chapter of Blood and Water. Thanx for the feedback for the poll, you guys who mailed in. You know who you are. The poll suggestions are always open, so never hesistate to mail me and suggest a topic. I can confirm that 'The Ugliest mask won't be the upcoming poll topic, at least. ;) 11th January 2000 - Even more Fanfic, Vote for a M.A.S.K. episode, Guestbooks cameos and new poll topic required If that's not a long heading, nothing is. Firstly, Lisa has sent her latest chapter of 'Blood and Water' and it's all ready and posted in the Fanfics section. Personally I enjoyed reading it. I hope it goes the same way with you. Secondly, Ray 'Megaman' Hashman has sent a post to the M.A.S.K. mailinglist annoucing that he will encode another episode soon, but he want us fans to vote on it. So what are you waiting for? ;) Start mailing in your choices! So far the vote seems to be leaning towards the episode: Fog on Boulderhill. But if that's not the episode you want, you can always send him a mail and tell him what you'd like, and hope desperately that the majority follows your lead... Third, I'm imploring you guys out there to- Sign My Guestbook!! It's embarassing that my guestbook has so few entries. Ok, I know a majority of you people can't be bothered, but just one word would make my day, you know. I'm going to start a Guestbook Cameo program soon. From now on, I will be using the names in the Guestbook as cameos in the Half-Mask comic and the Half-Mask story as well. Just the names of extras and things like that, my way of saying thank you for taking the time to sign the guestbook. Lastly, I need a new poll topic, and the possible answers you can vote for. Of course you get full credit. :) If possible, try to make it a unusual topic, Not the usual who-is-your-favourite-character or which-is-the-coolest-mask kind of thing. Maybe something like 'Which of these masks are the Ugliest masks worn by the M.A.S.K.?' (The default topic if no one sends in any) You get my drift... 4th January 2000 - Light Burns Hey guys! Just got the latest chapter of Light Burns! It's in the fanfic section. You can all give yourself another dose on fanfic, just in case the last one two days ago wasn't enough. ;) 2nd January 2000! - Happy New Year and Millenium! Well, we lived through the Millenium.... and things are back to normal.... sort of. To celebrate, I decided to post a new comic panel and a new chapter of 'Wait For the Dawn', my fanfic... with the next chapter of Lisa's Blood and Water coming up, as well as (Hopefully) Light Burns, I think we'll have enough fanfic to last us for the New Year. I think The mailinglist has acquired a new member named Kate, thought you'd like to know. Anyway, I wish you all a Happy New Year! - Hytac 28th December - The Millenium Comes Only 3 days to the year 2000... I hope everyone is ready for it. Anyway, I'd like to wish you all a Happy Year 2000, in case something should hinder me from saying that when the time comes. (Y2K bug for one) -Hytac 20th December - Megaman Rules! A few people out there might have recalled I promised to put up the News Headline 'Megaman Rules' if he put up a certain episode. Well, Yes, he did it, and it will be aired on Christmas Day. Anyway, the episodes that will be aired on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be 'The Magma Mole' and 'The Ultimate Weapon'. 'Magma Mole' will be aired on Christmas Eve while 'The Ultimate Weapon' will be aired on Christmas Day. You can head for Megaman's Animated Feature of the Week here. You can also contact Megaman here and wish him a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. PS: I'm really delighted with the news that the poll on my page has actually influenced the picking of some of the eps. Now that really makes my day. PS again: I must be crazy, updating my page when I should be double checking my bags and preparing myself for departure. Still, crazy is a crazy does. PS for the last time, really: So much for last update of the Millenium and all that... 19th December - M.A.S.K. wins... by One vote! Well, just a last minute update. M.A.S.K. won the Megaman Christmas Special and a double dose will be aired on Christmas Eve as well as Christmas day. M.A.S.K. won just by one vote, beating both Transformers and He-man. A bit too close for comfort, in my opinion. Anyway, Enjoy them and go easy on the turkey and the liquor ;) - Hytac 16th December - Poll results and new Poll Well, this will be my last update for the millenium. I'll be heading for Singapore to spend my Christmas, so unless someone miraculously provides me with the means to update the page while travelling, I can't update the page. So I thought I'd make it worthwhile. Firstly, The new Half-Mask panel. Enjoy. Sorry i didn't have time to put tinsel on the edges or something. ;) Secondly, there's this new vote. The old vote is closed, with the results as stated as below.
Which of the below is Miles Mayhem's most often heard quote?
M.A.S.K.! = 23% (7 votes)
The new topic is pretty controversal. It covers the relationship hinted in the racing series between M.A.S.K. agent Brad Turner and V.E.N.O.M. agent Vanessa Warfield. It should be pretty interesting, I should say. Speaking of votes, read on! Vote for the M.A.S.K. Megaman, the cool guy who airs all those M.A.S.K. episodes, is having a Christmas Special on his site. He's sent a post on the mailinglist which goes as follows: "If you haven't dropped by recently, I am going to post a special event on my
site next week. Depending on a voting system, the top 5 series voted for
will be posted, one a day from least to most requested and the winner
getting a double dose on Christmas Eve and Day! If you haven't voted,
please check the site and e-mail me. So far, MASK is in the lead, but that
could change. (Just had 4 requests for Sonic the Hedgehog of all things.)
If you've already voted, have friends vote. (If you're desperate enough.)
Just wanted to make sure everyone knows what's happening on the site." Needless to say, lets just keep M.A.S.K. in the lead, shall we? Here are the instructions on how: 1. Mail Megaman
There you go. Simple as ABC eh? Don't forget to head for Megaman's to grabs his latest episode. Merry Christmas, and in case the Y2K bug Does strike, Happy new year, decade, century and millenium! - Lots of love, Hytac. 12ft December - Half-Mask and The Oz Effect Lot's of stuff for you guys to read here... First, I've done a transcript of the episode 'The Oz Effect'. Complete with review. I plan to add reviews from other people later. Secondly, I've done the first part of my Half-Mask story, Wait for the Dawn. Warning though... it's the same story as the comic, so if you want to be surprised, don't read it. But if you don't care... well... go ahead! As usual, I beg for email. Hytac 7th December - Megaman's Christmas Treat Dance for joy! Megaman's got a new Episode on his site! It's 'The Oz Effect', and trust me on this one, it's one great episode! To top it off, Megaman has a Christmas surprise in store for us M.A.S.K. episode hungry people. No, I'm not telling you what it is... You'll have to go to Megaman's site to find out. Also, Megaman has managed to procure the controversal (at least on the mailinglist) episode 'The Ultimate Weapon". How did Brad get off the Condor, unscathed (IMHO it's super hero immunity) while Gloria got hurt? We'll find out! Why don't you just mail Megaman and tell him how cool he is? Or at least just let him know how much we appreciate bringing back those episodes. You can also join the M.A.S.K. Mailinglist if you like. Why, you ask? Well, you'll get the latest news for one, and a lot of infomation about the toys, cartoon etc. And you can always bring a new topic up for discussion. Last but not least, Happy Hanukkah! 4th December - Half-Mask again As you can plainly see, the fourth panel (double panel, I might add) has been put up already. I'm currently working on the fanfiction itself, it'll be done sometime soon. Anyway, Enjoy the comic, try not to go crazy waiting for it to load, and have a nice day. You might spare a moment to mail me some feedback. *wink wink* Bloody Water... 30th November 1999 - Bonfire and Ice Kallah has unveiled her masterpiece of a script, Bonfire and Ice, which is now linked to fanfic archive. Fixed a few links and corrected a mistake in my Highway To Terror script. Did I really slip up, putting Lavashot instead of Ultraflash? Nmind. It's fixed now. 26th November 1999 - Poll Time! Well, well, well! The Mindforge now has its own poll. IMHO that's a big improvement. So please, feel free to vote and let everyone know what you think! I'll change the vote from time to time, and the answers will be stored in another section of the site where they can be accessed. Now go vote! Personally, I've always thought that Mayhem always said too much of those phrases, so it becomes the first topic for voting. If you have a topic you want me to put up, go ahead and send it to me. I'll gladly put it up and give you the credit for it. ps: To make the news page shorter, I've moved the older news entries to a new section, The News Archive. Thanx all! - Hytac 25th November 1999 - New episode transcript A new episode transcript is up! The episode is: Highway to Terror. I hope you all enjoy it. It can be read at the Episode Transcripts section. 24th November 1999 - Updates and Operation Rescue Hitman Check out the new format of the lovely fanfic archive, also Read the fanfics with a more attractive layout! You'll love this one, trust me. My whole site is being remodelled all for you guys...Yaay! My Fastcounter is acting up again. It keeps showing th wrong numbers... from thousands to hundreds... Gah! You can also read this brand new fanfic of sorts by yours truly. Not really a true M.A.S.K. fanfic, but more related to the M.A.S.K. Cybercommunity. Deleted an unwanted entry in the Guestbook, thanks to Lisa who pointed it out to me. Stay tuned to more changes to the site! Also, Happy Thankgiving! - Hytac 15th November 1999 - Hytac Returns I say mid November, I mean mid November. Asides from the new panel, which you'll probably go crazy because of the time it takes to load, I also have Chapter Four of Lisa L.'s Blood and Water. Also see the brand new format of the page. Expect more changes soon. - Hytac 19th October 1999 - First five Eps available Good news, Megaman sends word that the first five episodes are available at The House of Glee
Alternately, you can upload the episodes from these links: 1. The Deathstone
Enjoy and make sure to tell the makers of the The House of Glee , as well as Megaman how much you like them. Also drop by at Megaman's site for the latest episode, 'Video Venom'.
Sadly, my site, as well as the comic strip will not be updated again until mid-November. I will be busy in RL. Sorry, but that's the way it has to be. Expect plenty of good stuff after that. - Hytac. 15th October 1999 - More on the episode The episode on Megaman's is Video V.E.N.O.M.
13th October 1999New episode, and possibly 10 more at Megaman’s Rejoice, all of you who depend on Megaman for your doses of M.A.S.K. episodes, which are, alas, too few and far between. There is a new episode at Megamans’s site!!!!! Please excuse those exclaimation marks. But they are justified, because not only did he put up a new episode, but he will also… get this… Post all 10 other M.A.S.K. episodes he previously posted!!! (There go the exclaimation marks again.) They are:
Please mail Megaman and tell him how great he is! Or at least tell him how great his site is. ;) Stay tuned for more news on this topic. - Hytac Panel Two of Half-Mask Here is panel two of the comic, stay tuned (I do love the phrase, don’t I?)for panel three. The previous panels, from now on, will be stored in the images gallery. Please send me the URLs or the files of as many M.A.S.K. images (preferably, not those found on the other websites to aid me. Or send me ideas, comments, and anything else. (Not including viruses or junk mail, please.) ;) 7th October 1999 - Half-Mask No doubt you'll be wondering what that picture which is taking so long to load is. That's Panel One of my Half-Mask series, also to come out in fanfic. I've done some cropping to make this page a little faster to load. I hope it helps. Also a bit of cleaning up. Ok, here it is as promised. Lisa's third chapter. Stay tuned for illustrations and maybe the 3rd chapter of Light Burns. 25th September - More fanfic Hitman's fanfic, simply titled 'A Batman and M.A.S.K. Crossover' for now is ready in the fanfic archive. Stay tuned for Chapter Three of Lisa L.'s 'Blood and Water. Now go and read Hitman's fanfic, drool over it, and tell Hitman how you lke it. ;) 24th September - A fanfic on the mailinglist No, I haven't been in a coma for the last month. I've had not much to update about. *glares at the person reading this, meaning that the aforesaid person should mail her* Anyway, The Hitman has produced a M.A.S.K./Batman crossover which was posted on the mailinglist a couple of days ago. (See what you miss when you don't join? The mailinglist has acquired two new members. *looks pointedly at reader* In case you're wondering, yes, I am involved in a 'promote the mailinglist' campaign. ;) I'll have the fanfic up as soon as I have it HTMLed. Also stay tuned for a M.A.S.K. online comic by yours truly. But don't expect me to be very fast though. - Hytac 27th August - Ebay offer To continue yesterday's newsflash, Ebay (not Evay, sorry, mistype) is offering a pretty good set of toys for pretty low prices, and few people have started bidding yet. The prices are pretty good, with as little as US dollar $1.00 for a set of M.A.S.K. Catalogues and 3 mini comics to Around $12.00 for a complete set of Thunderhawk and Matt Trakker. But darn, no Sharks. ;) Worth it? You bet! What I wouldn't do to possess a couple of credit cards... But time is limited. Only about 4 days left. Bid Here! 26th August - More Blood and Water Chapter Two of 'Blood and Water' by Lisa L. is up! Also, M.A.S.K. toy collectors should check this out. It seems that Ebay is offering M.A.S.K. toys for sale. Go and bid! 23rd August - When Blood is thicker than water As promised, here is The former M.A.S.K. RPG. member's (Rift McCoy) Fanfic which is entitled 'Blood and Water'. For your information, Lisa (That's the author) is the newest member of the mailinglist. Shame on you for not joining yet! ;) Anyway, just drop over to the fanfic section and read it. Don't forget to tell Lisa how much you like it.\ By the way, how like you the new order of the main page? 20th August - Light Burns Chapter Two Up comes Chapter Two of of Kallah's Light Burns Fanfic. She breaks the record for having the first part Two story in the entire archive. ;). Stay posted for a soon-to-come new fanfic, by a former M.A.S.K. RPG. member. [Here's one now] 11th August - Hitman's Comics Feel in the mood for some light hearted fun? Try a dose of The Hitman's handrawn/homemade comics. You can access them here |