Blood and Water
A black Rolls Royce pulled up the driveway of the Trakker estate. The driver stepped out and made his way to the back passenger side door. He held the door open for a beautiful young woman with black hair and green eyes. She had a mixture of Oriental and European features and was dressed in her formal military attire and carrying a black suit case. Inaya Vendun hated making house calls on her day off, but she was actually looking forward to her big assignment. This assignment was her big chance for a promotion in the PNA, not to mentioned a chance to give Matt Trakker a dressing down, and nothing was going to stop her from screwing this up. She was prepared for anything and looked presentable enough to surprise even Matt Trakker. Inaya pressed the doorbell several times before the door finally opened. An old woman, supposedly Matt Trakker's housemaid, answered the door. She said in a sweet and friendly voice, "May I help you?" Inaya returned the smile, "Yes I need to speak to Matthew Trakker. It is extremely urgent, and I need to see him at once." The woman glanced at Inaya's uniform and agreed that the situation must have been urgent. It wasn't often the PNA would show up on somebody's door step. The old woman led Inaya towards Matt's study, "Please wait here, while I get Mr. Trakker. Who should I say is here?" Inaya walked around the study, and set her briefcase on the desk. She took a few minutes to reply to the question. Inaya then looked towards the old woman and said, "Just tell him Ivy Green from the PNA is here to see him." The maid bowed her head and took off closing the door behind her. Inaya, or rather Ivy now, sat down on the couch, crossing her legs slightly grinning to herself about the name she had made up, "Ivy Green.." She thought, "Good thing I didn't use my real name or I might have blown my cover. The last thing I need is Trakker checking up my records." About ten minutes later, Matt walked into the study wearing a blue polo shirt and khakis. Ivy a.k.a.Inaya was a bit surprised at Matt's appearance. His face looked tired as though he hadn't slept in weeks. The wrinkles under his eyes made him look much older. Matt sat behind his desk trying not to show his disappointment. He knew eventually the PNA would send somebody to check up on him, but now was not the time. He looked at Inaya. He was sure they were going to send somebody who absolutely hated his guts. He didn't even know this woman. Maybe, just maybe he could talk his way out of any troubles that might have been bestowed upon him. Inaya walked over to him, "Not getting enough sleep?" Matt let out a breath of air, "I've been busy with MASK, my business, and my ill son." Inaya nodded, "So I've heard." Matt said in a not-so-amused tone, "Miss Green I presume? I don't want to be rude since this is our first meeting together, but whatever the reason you've been sent here I suggest you tell me now. I'm in no mood to deal with the PNA at the moment." Inaya threw away her nice tone and became a bit more aggressive. She knew Matt was going through a hard time, but she wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily. "Well you don't have a choice and neither do I. I don't exactly enjoy being in the same room with a traitor. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Many members of the PNA are doubting your performance and your loyalties." Inaya opened her briefcase and pulled out a huge stack of files. She dropped them all down in front of Matt's face for him to glance at. She pointed at the stack. "Each one of these files contains several violations of PNA policy and treasonous acts." Matt leaned back in his chair staring at the overflowing pile. Matt then glanced over to her and said in an expectant voice, "So you've come to arrest me?" Inaya sighed, "If only that was the case. I wish that were true Mr. Trakker, but you still have some followers in the PNA who strongly believe in you, like President Kennedy. But I don't understand why. Despite all the good deeds you've done in the past, you've overstepped your bounds. You've disobeyed orders from higher up and have continuously keep the PNA in the dark about all your actiona." Matt was just about to open his mouth to speak when Inaya rudely interrupted him, "Oh yes we know about Roxanne. You've become an assessment to the crime she committed, when you chose to house her or in other words hide her from the proper authorities. You've violated the PNA’s strict conduct on dealing with terrorists." Matt said defending his daughter, "She is not a terrorist. She's just a child who needs help." Inaya pulled another file from her briefcase and threw it right in front of Matt. Inaya said in an agreeing voice, "Of course she needs help. She's a disturbed child, Matt. You are not even qualified to handle her problems. She should have been handed over to the PNA's authorities. We are not the enemy, Matt. No harm would have come to her. Instead, she would have gotten the help she needed and none of us would be in this particular situation right now." Matt rested his hand over his chin, pondering his bad judgment call. Inaya felt like she was on a yelling rampage, she could go on for hours telling Matt everything he had screwed up on. She continued, "I advise you to look over her file, you might learn something about why your daughter acts the way she does." Matt took a brief glance at the file and set it aside to read later. Inaya opened the first file on the desk and took a quick glance at it before she shut it, "Why did you deceive the military and your team to give VENOM the microchip?" Matt spoke softly, "I thought my kids were in danger." Inaya refused to accept that for an answer, "Two lives are not worth as much as millions of innocent people. I know you’re regretting a lot of the choices you've made over the past few months. Don't you see? Because you refused to ask for help your son nearly died!" Matt lifted his head and stood up. He was tired of her beating down on him, "That's ENOUGH! Things are different now, everything is going to be fine." Inaya didn't believe that, "I doubt it! This was not the first time you've put your family first before your duty. I recall a mission log of your son being kidnapped. You willingly gave Miles your agents' masks and top secret PNA information. What if that plan of yours to destroy the glass skull that caused VENOM to learn your true identity hadn’t worked? Would your family be any safer then it was before?" Matt narrowed his eyes on her, "What exactly are you getting at with all this?" Inaya slammed her hand on the table, "The PNA does not and will never negotiate with terrorists. You are under the PNA jurisdiction. You cannot negotiate with VENOM no matter the cost." Matt shouted angrily back at her, "This is not the PNA. Mobile Armored Strike Kommand will handle the terrorists VENOM any way they deem necessary!" Inaya sighed as she sat down on the couch shaking her head. "May I remind you the PNA is the one who gives your agents a pay check?" Matt walked over to her and suggested, "Then I suggest the PNA should take that money and shove it. I don't need their funding to run my organization- which I started!" Inaya held her head slightly as she felt a bad head ache coming on. She eased her tone to stop the rising tension in the room, "Matt the PNA is not through with MASK. They know as well as I do that MASK is the only force that can counter VENOM. We are in no way trying to get you to run this operation solo. We're here to help you. Now lets move on, I know all about Brad going as wall. He was a good friend of yours and he was an exceptional agent, but he needs to be apprehended. Matt disagreed, "I don't think that's going to be necessary." Inaya walked over to his desk and sat on the edge of it, "There is a chance that Brad knows the location of VENOM's hideout, and we need to know who his contacts are. I already have the police picking him up at his apartment, at this very moment." Matt felt outraged about this, she hadn't even discussed this with him. She just went ahead and did what ever she felt like.
Matt was felt like he had no say in this. "So you'll be working under me." Inaya laughed, "Do you really think I would have volunteered for this job, if I was going to work under you? We are going to have a wonderful partnership, Trakker, you and I. We're going to share the job of leading MASK. Any plans or decisions you make have be cleared through me. If you have any problems with this I think you had better step down from your position, because these terms have been approved through the president himself." Matt clenched his fist and looked extremely angry. He thought, "Who does she thinks she is, walking in on my turf? I'll just have to play along until I get this situation straightened out." Matt crossed his arms, "No,I have no problems with this, Miss Green." ‘Miss Green’ alias Inaya raised a brow. She had thought she would have had to do more convincing. Then again he might have something up his sleeve, this was way too easy. Inaya thought to herself, "No matter, when I expose the man, he'll have more to worry about." Inaya smiled, "Good then you can show me around Boulder Hill and keep me up to date on what MASK plans to do, to counter VENOM's future attack." Matt led her out of the study and towards the transport that connected his mansion and Boulder Hill. ****** Scott walked slowly down the stairs in his blue pajamas. He practically hung onto the railing, as though he was afraid of falling down the stairs. Scott hardly felt any pain in his side, but all the drugs the doctor gave him made him feel worse. He was tired of lying in bed and constantly wondering what was going on around him. The last couple days since he had came home from the hospital had been very difficult. He was constantly arguing with his father about taking all that medication. Of course, Scott gave up when he saw how frustrated his father had become. Never had he seen him act so much like a complete stranger. Scott finally realized how much he meant to his father, and understood that he was probably the one thing keeping him stable at the moment. Scott finally reached the bottom step. Just then T-bob came walking by singing, "Dumm-dee-dumm." T-bob noticed Scott and stopped in front of him, " What are you doing out of bed? Matt's not going to be too happy if he sees you walking around." Scott smirked and placed his hand on his waist, "Well I'm not going back to lie in that death bed. T-Bob, he's not going to know unless you go off and tell him. Then again you do that too often." T-bob said in a giddy voice, "Well I'm just doing my job." In some ways Scott was pleased to have his friend back, yet he felt his father ordered Bruce to do way too much programming. T-bob was acting more like a mother half the time then a friend. Scott said in a boyish tone," Let's go find out what dad's up to." T-bob shook his head, "A few days out of the hospital and you’re still trying to spy on your dad. Well we’re not going to do it this time. You’re going to walk back up the sta...." Scott just grabbed him by the hand and dragged him part of the way, "Just like old times ehh." Scott knew that if he didn't take T-bob he was bound to go tell somebody. Scott let go of T-bob and he walked beside him," Tell me about it." Scott started to guide his hand against the wall as he walked down the hall. T-bob started to become concerned, "Scott you don't look so hot. I think you really need to go back to bed." The robot moved in front of Scott forbidding him from moving any further. Scott promised, " I'll go back to bed, after I find out what dad's up too. I swear on my life. He won't tell me anything T-bob and I'm worried. It's not like dad to keep things to himself. I just want to know how I can help him." T-bob turns his head and crosses his arms, "You sure it's not Roxanne you’re worried about?" Scott looked away a bit and says in a disbelieving tone, "Oh don't be silly." Scott pushed T-bob out of the way and walked up to the door to the study. Scott rested his ear against the door, yet he heard nothing but T-bob jittering in the background. Scott then knocked softly on the door, yet no one replied. Scott rested his head against the door and closed his eyes. "Ummm T-bob," He says in a sickish tone. "I don't feel so good. All this medication is making me fell nauseated. I think maybe you should go get dad," Scott suggested. T-bob said, extremely worried, "See? I told you. This is what you get when you hop out of bed. All right, just wait right here I'll be back in a jiffy." As soon as T-bob disappeared out of sight, Scott opened his eyes and walked into Matt's study. He noticed a pile of files on his desk and proceeded towards them. Scott sat behind the desk and grabbed the file on the far left of the desk, "I wonder what this is." He opened it and couldn't believe that the file belonged to Roxanne. Scott was tempted to know more about his new sister, so he decided to breeze through some of it. The file was mostly a collection of police reports, medical and school records, and basically the most important aspects of Roxanne's history. Scott read it silently to himself. "The girl was found by her next door neighbor about 6pm Friday night. The neighbor claims she was worried when Rebecca missed work for the past few days, and Roxanne never showed up at her bus stop. The front door was left unlocked and there were no signs of a forced entry into the house. Also all valuables found in the house were left intact. The neighbor notice there was a strange smell coming from the inside as she entered the house. She then found the 6 year old girl resting next to her deceased mother. The girl was in complete shock. She was not moving nor responding to anything. The coroner believes that the girl was by her mother's side 3 days prior to her killing. We're absolutely certain the girl knows who murdered her mother, but we were unable to question the girl. She will not talk to anybody. Fortunately ,we were able to track the killer from some finger prints and hair samples found left in the house. All evidence points to Miles Mayhem, head of the terrorist organization VENOM. A warrant has been already issued in his name and so are several others ranging in several areas. We hope the government will succeed in their efforts in capturing the killer, until then this will stay upon his record. Waiting for the day when he will face Judgment. The girl will be taken to Washington's Children's Hospital where she will receive treatment. As far as we can tell the girl has no living known relatives." Dr. Foster Notes: "Roxanne Trakker was a resident at the Washington's Children's Hospital for 4 years. It was fairly obvious the girl had a difficult time dealing with her mother's death. Such a traumatic experience as hers can put anybody into shock. She will not speak to anyone and has locked herself away into her own world. Her experiences have caused insomnia and at other times she stares off reliving that horrible memory. This leads to paranoia and forces us to restrain her. Even though she has trouble making acquaintances and interacting with other people, I feel that by moving her to a place with more children she might be able to open up more. Possibly resulting in her growing up like a normal child. She now capable of speaking again and I feel she is able to cope with her mother's death to a certain level. I recommend she continue to take her medication and be re-evaluated every 3 months until a full recovery can be achieved." Scott was reading it all word for word, he completely forgot that his father was soon to be on his way. ****** Meanwhile in Boulder Hill, Matt showed Inaya the meeting room. Inaya was rather interested in the entire place, and couldn't wait for her chance to see Condor. Bruce was over at the computer checking out several satellite photos of possible locations of VENOM's hideout. Matt, hiding his anger, said, "Bruce, I want you to meet Brad replacement, Ivy Green." Bruce turned around and smiled at Inaya cum Ivy Green. "It's a pleasure to met such a beautiful lady." Inaya laughed, "Ok Bruce cut the flattery. I don't expect to be treated any differently cause I'm a woman." Matt shook his head, "Maybe you should talk to Gloria, if you want to get heavy on that subject. We've already dealt with most those issues the first month MASK was in commission." Bruce could tell something was up, Matt was definitely acting a bit hot headed. "Well Matt, are you going to take me to see my vehicle or what?" Inaya said impatiently. Matt nodded and started to lead the way to the garage. Just then T-bob come driving in on scooter-mode. He talked, practically out of breath, "I've been looking for you everywhere." Matt moved over to T-bob, "What is it?" T-bob spoke with haste, "Scott's out of bed and he needs help. He's outside the study." Matt took off running towards the transport. Inaya ran after him, also worried. "Wait for me!" ****** Scott looked up from the file. He couldn't imagine what it felt like, finding your own mother dead. He hardly even knew his real parents, who had died in a car accident when he was little. If only Roxanne could had read this, she would see the truth. This was probably the one thing that could bring her into the light and stop her from running away from her own problems. The worst part was that she was in the hands of the same man who killed her mother and her uncle. The door to the study flew open and Scott literally jumped out of his chair. Matt said in a sort-of out of breath voice, "Scott? I thought you were sick." Scott said in an innocent tone, "I started to feel better." Inaya appeared behind Matt and moved closer to Scott. She grabbed the file forcefully out of his hands. She looked disappointed in both him and Matt. "More like snooping around in stuff that doesn't concern you. This is exactly what I mean, Trakker. You wonder why you have security leaks. Now your son is brown nosing in your work." Scott burst out, "I would never give that information out!" Matt walked over to his son and led him out of the room, " Scott just go to your room." Scott said in disbelief, "Dad?" Matt stopped at the door, as soon as Scott was out of the room, "Not now. We’ll talk about it later. Go back to bed." Scott looked at him angrily, "You know it's always later and never now. You never tell me what's going on anymore." Scott stormed off towards his bedroom. Matt was speechless as he watched him walk away. Inaya glanced at Matt. Matt could read her expression. It was obviously saying," Don't you think you ought to go talk to the boy?" Matt was about to go after Scott, but Bruce was calling for Matt off the intercom in the study. Matt walked over to the intercom on his desk and pressed the button. "What is it Bruce?" Bruce said in a confused voice, "Matt, I'm receiving an encrypted message. Give me a moment to analyze it it." Inaya asked Matt, "Who would send an encrypted message? Do you have a source that I don't know about?" Matt shook his head, "Really I don't have any idea." Matt leaned on his desk curiously pondering where this message was coming from. Bruce came back on the intercom, "The message claims that VENOM is going to infiltrate a military test site, known as Area 53. That's all the message says Matt. What are you planning to do?" Matt replies," Give me a few minutes and I'll get back to you." Inaya was trying to remember everything she could about Area 53, "You know I've read about area 53 somewhere, but I don't think it's a weapon test site." Matt says nodding, "Well I don't believe VENOM really needs anymore fire power. I think they'd be more interested in something that gave them an advantage defensively. So what exactly do they test at area 53?” Inaya walked over to Matt's phone and picked it up, "Well I have friends in the Pentagon. Hopefully they'll be willing enough to give us a grand tour to check the site out." ****** About five hours later, after getting clearance to enter Area 53 Inaya, Matt, and Bruce were already on there way there. Inaya agreed to ride with Matt in Thunderhawk. She wasn't exactly familiar with Condor controls nor was she dressed to drive it. Bruce followed behind them in Rhino. Inaya looked over to Matt, "Don't you think we should bring in a bigger attack force? Venom could attack the base. We wouldn't be a match for them with two vehicles." Matt didn't like the idea of her questioning his choice of action. "Ivy, VENOM is not going to do anything that's going to draw attention to them. If they did Mayhem would risk losing his safe house. Mostly likely he's probably going to send in one or two of his agents to go in and grab what ever it is he is after." Ivy a.k.a. Inaya glanced out the window. "So in other words, he's sending his agents in under cover." Matt nodded, "One of Mayhem least favorite tactics when it comes to getting what he wants." Inaya smirked at that comment, "That might change if he keeps up his winning streak. Well then we have no idea if they've already hit the target or they could be there right this minute." Matt concentrated on driving, "Well all we can do is look for clues, and maybe if were lucky we can get ourselves an agent." Area 53 was practically out in the middle of nowhere. There were only a few buildings in the area and it was heavily guarded by military personnel. As Thunderhawk and Rhino pulled up to the main building, a man in his late 40s and in a military uniform approached them. The look on his face suggested that they were not welcome. Colonel Mayborn was against the idea of letting MASK on his base, of course he had no choice but to follow orders from the Pentagon. Colonel Mayborn was a stubborn man, he believed that only the Army should handle the terrorist organization VENOM. Mayborn even pleaded to the PNA once, claiming that the army would have brought those terrorist in by now and the threat would have been annihilated. He thought the idea that VENOM would even attempt to break onto his base was ludicrous. Also after hearing what Matt Trakker did to save his kids, he was rather suspicious of his visit. Matt, Inaya, and Bruce approached him. Matt spoke in a friendly tone, "Colonel Mayborn it was nice of you to let us visit, on such short notice. I'd like you to meet my associates Bruce Sato and Ivy Green." Colonel Mayborn stood there, not even bothering to make a friendly gesture. "Ok Matt, what little scheme are you planning here? At the moment you have a bad reputation, and I'm not even 100% certain I should even let you walk through that door." Inaya stepped forward, "Colonel I was under the impression you didn't have a choice. I made an agreement, as long as he doesn't walk in there by himself he's cleared." Matt felt strange about this. He felt more like a criminal then the leader of MASK. The Colonel grinned, "Let's get this over with. When this little tour is over with, I expect each and everyone of ya off my base." Matt said in a serious tone, "That's all were asking for." The Colonel led them towards the huge medal door of the building. He pulled out his security card, then placed his hand on a scanner. The door open to reveal an elevator. As they stepped into the elevator and it descended, Matt turned and looked towards the Colonel. Matt asked, "Have there been any reports of suspicious behavior or anything turning up missing?" The Colonel smiled and said bluntly, "No and you’re all wasting your time. Nobody besides the people who work here can get into this base. Without the proper card and hand print you can't get anywhere. Security is tight and not even an ant could get in here. We have all the latest in technology since this is a new base, and there isn't one spot that isn't monitored." Inaya asked, "How many entry points do you have?" The Colonel wanted to laugh, they were actually trying to find a weak point to his perfect base, "This elevator is the only entrance." Bruce jumps into the conversation, "But surely you must have more then one way out. Else you'd have a panic on your hands if an emergency rose. Colonel nodded, "Trying to outsmart me Mr. Sato? A base is designed to keep people out not in. There are a few emergency exits from the underground to the surface. They are sealed from the inside and are cleverly disguised. Again each one is monitored at all times and there is an alarm attached to each and everyone of them." The elevator stopped on the 12th floor below ground. The Colonel stepped out of the elevator, "If you'll follow me we'll start our little tour." He led them into a private viewing area, that looked out over several labs on the 13th floor. Each of them glanced into the lab where several people were dressed in white protective suits from head to toe. The Colonel looked down as well. "So you want to know what we do at area 53. Basically, we work on defensive technology that our boys can use in action. Shielding capabilities, camouflage, and anything that might help our boys gain an advantage on the battle field. Down there is our latest discovery. Our scientists have figured out a way to make metal transparent. Matt was actually surprised by this, "Invisibility. That is incredible. How are you able to do that?" The Colonel looked at Matt, "Well when you come back with proper clearance, I might tell ya the secret. All I can tell ya is that they've developed some sort of liquid metal, that when it is shocked by the right frequencies causes something to become transparent. The whole process is rather complex and only they understand it, " He motions his head toward the men and women below." He adds, "All formulae and projects at this test site are stashed away safely, so there isn't any worry that it might fall into the wrong hands. Now if you'll follow me we'll move onto the next room." Each of them followed after him. ****** Down in the lab people were moving all over the place and were too busy to notice their uninvited visitor. The stranger moved through the lab practically unnoticed. The doctors and scientist were too busy working on their own individual problems to notice. Everybody wore the same protective suit, so unless you spoke to the person face to face. You really had no idea who you were talking too. The stranger made it to the opposite side of the room and pulled out a card from the pocket of the suit. Of course the card's rightful owner, was resting uncomfortably in a cramp locker. The stranger worked hastily, grabbing a sample of some liquid metal and a file from a near by filing cabinet. In a matter of minutes after properly storing each item, the stranger made her way back to the locker room laughing under her suit. Vanessa hated wearing that monkey suit, but it was a great way to move in and out quickly without being noticed. She removed the suit and hung it up back where she got it from. She took extra precaution to blend in on this mission. Her hair was dyed blond and grown out a bit. She also wore contact lens that changed the color of her eyes. She opened one of the lockers and there inside was the poor, unfortunate doctor who was awake, yet tied up and gagged. She grabbed the lab coat above him, "Don't worry at about 5 or 6 somebody will hear ya and let ya out." She put the coat on and slammed the door shut. She pounded on the locker as she walked away. She smiled another job well done, and all she and Rax needed to do was to get out of this place. A couple times she had considered paying Colonel Mayborn a nice little visit. His so-called impenetrable base, had been far too easy for her and Rax to get into. Vanessa made her way to the elevator slowly and with a firm grip on her bag. Just as she was waiting for the elevator Colonel Mayborn lead his three visitors towards her. The Colonel was glad to get rid of Matt and his group after 2 hours. "Well I hope your satisfied with your visit. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Take the elevator to the surface, and if I find out you don't make it. I'll put ya all under arrest." Matt didn't bother trying to compete with him, "All right then thank you for the information Colonel. If you have any problems please keep us informed." The Colonel nodded unhappily," Good day." He then took off. Vanessa stood there calmly glancing at her watch. All she had to do was make it to the 4th floor where Rax was at. The elevator finally made it and all four of them stepped into the elevator. Inaya turned to look at Matt and Bruce. "You know after all that, the only thing I think they might be interested in is that liquid metal." Matt agreed. "That was exactly what I was thinking, they could use that to cover up the laser and keep it hidden." Vanessa looked towards them and was sort of interested in this conversation. Vanessa intruded and altered her voice to sound more professional, "Excuse me, but how do you know all this information? It's suppose to be top secret." Bruce replied, "Colonel Mayborn was showing us around the base." Vanessa smiled, "Well in that case I won't have to call security. My name is Doctor Halanski, and I'm head of the research department of that particular project." Bruce smiled and asked, " Well then Doctor Halanski do you think it's possible to use that cloaking technology on a big laser." Vanessa thought for a moment before answering, "I doubt it. Depending on the size you'd need a vast amout of that liquid metal. Plus the frequency of the laser would interrupt the frequency needed to keep the item hidden in its surroundings." The elevator then stopped on the 4th floor and Vanessa stepped out of the elevator. Matt smiled, "Thank you for that information doctor." She stopped and turns to look at them as she steps out of the elevator. She smiles, "You’re welcome." Just as the elevator doors were about to close she couldn't resist adding another line, "Oh by the way, why on earth would VENOM make their laser invisible, when it's already hidden in a great place?" All three of them stood there in silence for a second. Matt was the first to yell out her name, "Vanessa!" The doors closed and the elevator started moving again. Vanessa pulled out her radio, "Sly you still in the control room?" Sly answered happily, "Yeah the guards are out like sleeping babies." She said in an evil tone, "Do me a favor shut the elevator down." Sly looked at the monitor of the three individuals trying to get the elevator to go back to the 4th floor and laughed," No problem." ****** Inaya and Bruce were pushing buttons like crazy. Inaya was frustrated, "Come on you stupid thing go back down!" When the elevator came to a stop they all exchanged glances. Matt said, leaning against the wall, "You hit the stop button didn't you?" Inaya shouted back," No, we did not hit the red button." Bruce tried hitting the fourth floor button again, "It's not working, let me try calling the control room." Bruce grabbed the phone, "Hello somebody there?" Sly Rax answered the phone, "Yes...." Bruce said desperately, "We need help we’re trapped in the elevator and..." Rax watches them in the monitor, "Yeah I can see that but unfortunately the guys’ are probably not going to come to for couple of hours." Bruce recognized the voice and his jaw dropped. Rax said just before hanging up, "You know… if you all jump up and down a couple times. You could get lucky and the elevator might move again." Bruce hung the phone up, "It's hopeless! Sly Rax has control of their control room." Matt hit the wall, "I can't believe it, we let her slip right through out fingers!" Inaya says just as unhappily, "You’re not the only one who feels bad about it. Of course by the time we get out of here they'll be long gone." All three of them looked up at the panel in the elevator and knew it was the only way out at the moment. Inaya said, "I tell you one thing- I'm defiantly not going to rot in here with you two." Inaya kicked her heels off and looked to Matt. Matt moved over the hatch, "You’ll need a lift." Inaya smirked, "Of course, but if you look up you’re dead." At moments like this Inaya wished she wasn't wearing a skirt. After this, she vowed was never going to wear a skirt for any military business again. Bruce helped Inaya get up on Matt's shoulder. Inaya pounded away on the hatch door. Matt said, trying to hold her up. "Have you got it yet? You’re not exactly light."
All they had to do was climb up the wall towards the door on the 2nd floor and get it open. Inaya looked at them a smile, "Gentlemen first." Matt went first and started climbing up, "I'm telling you this has been one crazy day." Matt reached the door and used all his muscle to get the door open to the 2nd floor. Both Bruce and Inaya climbed up after him, exhausted. Matt rushed over to nearby phone, and called Colonel Mayborn. Mayborn answered. "Trakker, why the hell are you still on my base?" Matt said urgently, "The elevator was sabotaged and we got suck in it. I'm afraid you've already been hit Mayborn. Vanessa Warfield and Sly Rax took over your control room and snatched what ever they were after." Mayborn laughed, "You have to be joking." Matt says serious, "Go see for yourself, by now they’re probably long gone." Mayborn still didn't want to believe them, "If the elevator's out how on earth could they of gotten out of here? The alarm hasn't gone off yet." Matt ask arrogantly, "Are the alarm controls in the control room?" Mayborn raised a brow, "Yes…" Matt wanted to scream it in his face, "Then that's why!!" I suggest you get your men on top looking for them and get this elevator working." Matt hung up the phone and slumped down on the ground. Both Bruce and Inaya joined him. Inaya sighed, "I hate that guy, he's so arrogant." Bruce looked towards both of them, "One thing for sure, we'll find out what they took after they do an inventory check." Matt said unhappily, "That could take awhile. Maybe Vanessa gave us a hint." Bruce sat there remembering what Vanessa said, "She said why would VENOM use it on a laser that well hidden. From what she told us VENOM couldn't use it on the laser any way." Inaya also looked deep in thought, "She could have lied." Matt looked to her, "Maybe or they might have another purpose for it. I guess were going to have to wait again." Bruce said unhappily, "Something tells me the surprise is bigger then we imagine." Matt smirked, "That's one way to put it."