Welcome to the M.A.S.K. Mindforge. FAQ | Fanfic | News | Eps | Polls | Images | Profiles | Teaser | Poems | Contributions | Hytac Two Years, and the Prodigal Webmistress returns. ! I'M BACK !!!! |
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Hits since 9th of July 1999 Please be patient while the page loads. |
Currently playing: MASK33: Secret of the Andes |
A Mindforge Fact The original Mindforge color theme was... believe it or not, dark blue all over. I wanted to emulate the profiles scene when Matt calls the agents. It didn't work out so I changed to the previous gold and black theme. Ironically, the blue has work its way back in the current revamp... |
News Sept 2005 - I guess I should clarify...
This site is no long being updated, and has not been for the past few years. It's pretty safe to say I outgrew this long ago. Not that my liking for it wasn't sincere, but you stay a fan of something only so long before you feel the need to do your own thing. I have no regrets however, and I learnt a lot with this website For time being I will allow it to remain up, but for all you fanfiction needs, I'd recommend the MASK section on Fanfiction.net.
My new interests are currently linked through here.
No doubt you'll find this strange. I abandon this site for two years, and suddenly I come back. Why? I don't know. I wish I knew myself. Maybe it came from a chance communication I had with Lisa L. Maybe my sense of responsibility couldn't bear to leave this site which I invested so much time and effort in hanging in the wind... Or maybe, on a whim, I found out that a lot of people still visit this site, even after I stopped updating it, and it felt like I let them down a little. Whatever. But that part of me that hates leaving something half-done is kicking in again. Damn it. Whatever the reason, I'm back. Now don't get your hopes up. I'm not the 14-year old with lots of time to devote to a fansite anymore. I'm 19 pushing 20 (ick), busy as hell, studying hard, generally trying to make sense of my life. I don't feel the same way I do about MASK anymore (that is, obsessed) but I do feel that twinge of nostalgia still there. Enough to make me pick up those strings of responsibilty and do something that's niggled me all this time. Please understand that I can't update this site as often as I did in my heyday, but I'll try to do what I can. I might get the website up and running again, or at least prepare it so it can run without me updating it at all (requires devious work on my part)
This email address is active again, and so is this one . You can try mailing me again, and I'll try and answer. To those who have mailed me anytime during the last two years, I haven't gotten your mails, and I apologise if anything has been lost.
Where have I been? I've been through a tough transition in life, for a time it was overwhelming. I'm now in uni, have other projects of my own... a life to straighten out. A life on the Net takes secondary precedent to that. I hope you understand.
It feels strange to be back, honestly. But it feels right too, not to totally abandon what I've done. -Ping (Formerly Hytac)
ps: For your fanfiction needs, try Fanfiction.net There's a MASK section there.
18th August 2001 - RPG is up
again and Going back I'll
be heading back to school now. I have added a few things as listed: 1.
Fanfics!!! 2. A really
cool teaser by Brian Kelly. It's in the the teaser section (well duh). What if
MASK were still in high school... 3.
Updated a bunch of links! Check them out! 4.
Added a profile Last
but certainly not least, The MASK RPG (For those not informed, RPG=Role Playing
Game) is up again! Click on the link on the Nav bar to join. Have fun! The
next possible update should be sometime in September. Got any thing to send me
(barring viruses and spam) do so at Hytac@mailcity.com. Take
care! - Hytac 21st July 2001 -
Stop the World! It's an update!! Indeed
it is! Ha! I bet you all thought I gave up on the page already. Well, I haven't-
not quite yet. Let
me see, I've been away for so long at school (boarding school) so I'll dare say
it's a bit weird. But it's great to be back, even if it is for a while... Reflections: The
fanfic section will continue to grow, though I suspect little else will...
Still, since the Mindforge IS centered around fanfic, that won't be too much of
a problem. You
guys should head over to the fanfic section, where a backlog of fanfic from Lisa
L. and not the mention Brian Kelly should be unveiled (at last). I
apologise for the lack of pictures; my scanner is on the fritz. Such a pity. I
had such a nice (and I mean nice) bunch of images I drew too... I believe
The Hitman is currently conducting a site move, so I won't link the fanfics from
his site yet until his new site is up and running. A
side note: I've Finally finshed Fateful Sunrise, my very own baby of a fanfic.
Do have a look at it even if it isn't as MASkque as it was. We
also welcome a new MASK site: Kenneth
Berger's MASK Site which has been included in the side bar. :) Hope
you like the mild revamp I've done. Since my guestbook and poll provider decided
to fold, I'll have to search around for a good one now. Any
road, Wish you all the best, and do check back occasionally. I may update the
site again... you'd never know ;) ps:
If you have any fanfics I haven't posted, send them to me ASAP! If you send it
within the next 3-4 weeks, I think I should be able to post them before I go back
to college! -Hytac
5th January 2001 - Fanfic Update and Changes After a hefty three
months, I finally have time to update my site. Unfortunately, I won't be able to
update the site as often as I'd like to, due to my going to college. Worry
not... I am not going to abandon the site... but the updates will be just fewer
and far between. I do hope that the magnamity of the update increases, though. We
have New (not really new, but it's my fault that it hasn't been posted yet)
Fanfic, By our two steady writers, Lisa Leonard and Brian Kelly. The long
awaited Blood and Water 11, as well as Time's Gravity await you in the fanfic
archive. The Hitman has also added several chapters to his Special Missions
Force series. My apologies to Lisa, Hitman and Brian for the late updates. To
make up I drew the "We're back!" picture (see above) as a dedication
to them... the most regular writers in the community. Enjoy it, guys, you
deserve it! A note to those who wish to send in fanfic... please remember to
send your fanfics and other contributions to hytac@mailcity.com,
NOT my hotmail account. Thanx. The Hotmail janitor will automatically delete
files which are over 20 k due to the constricted space in the mail account. So I
won't be responsible for your loosing you masterpieces, ok? ;) New poll
up The previous results were Wayyy overdue, but here they are.. What
did you think of the Split Seconds series?
I believe Megaman's site, as well as Epizode.com have
new episodes of M.A.S.K. up for download. You'll find the links in the Episodes
links section (see right). I wish you all a Happy New Year, Happy Chinese New Year
and a very good millenium.
note: Hey, I've
received my 10 000th visitor about a few weeks ago! Wow!!! 26th August 2000 - Late updates
Dear guys and gals, I'm very sorry for the late update, but I'm currently am
very busy right now and will probably continue to be until the end of the
Anyway, I apologize to The Hitman, Lisa and Brian Kelly for my lateness in
posting their fanfics. I won't be updating the site very often for the next
three months, but you can expect things to get better after that.
Right now we have three (four, depends) fanfics. Two are hosted by the
Mindforge,, two are not. The two hosted are Part 10 of Lisa L.'s Blood and Water
(You guys can stop bugging me to post it now) and The conclusion to Brian
Kelly's Generations. Enjoy.
The other two are the Hitman's Special Missions Force chapters. I've linked
them, but these are timed links and won't work until The Hitman updates his
That's all, and off go I, weary to the bone.
30th July 2000 - Hostages at Sea
That, my friends, is the title of Hitman's 4th Special Missions Force
chapter. It's up on Hitman's site
right now, and is also included in the Mindforge
Archive. It's that time again, when I ask for new poll topics for the cute
little (and annoying) poll box up there. Anybody got a suggestion? We also
have a new quote in the quotes section, courtesy of Vanessa Kubiak. Lastly,
don't forget to sign
the logs!
24th July 2000 - Fixed links and New fanfic
Hey everyone! Another update is here! (Well duh) I've fixed the broken links
on the sections Teasers and Ep Transcripts and Reviews. Special Thanks to the two
people who mailed me about them.
We also have the 4th Chapter of B. Kelly's "Generations". You know
where it is.
Stay tuned for The Hitman's next Chapter of the Special Missions Force, which
is almost done . Expect it to be ready by next week or so. And having read it
through, let me just say... you won't be disappointed.
That's it, off go I! - Hytac
10th July 2000 - Episodes yeeha! We can't get enough of episodes right...
unless you're one of those people who already have one whole run *cough* and
probably have them all memorized... anyway thanx to Mailinglist member Peter
Kelly another site which airs M.A.S.K. episode(s) has been found. The URL is www.epizode.com Also,
the Megaman's got another M.A.S.K.
episode up and it's the Racing series episode 'Where Eagles Dare'. Frankly,
that's the most misleading title I've ever come across. Anyway, if you're still
here, head off to Megaman's page will ya? Don't know the URL? See that banner
up there? 30th June 2000 - New Poll and Fanfic
Well guys, we have a new poll, with the previous poll's results as follows:
Scott Trakker was always sneaking along on missions with the M.A.S.K. What did you think of him?
Special Thanks to The Hitman for this poll topic. Our next topic belongs to Brian Kelly, who has also submitted his third installment of "Generations". You can find it in the Fanfiction Archive Also, Tom Slick's Site is back online again. I have accordingly moved it to it's rightful place in the active links section. Apologies to people who have mailed me but have received no answers yet- I'm still in the middle of an email mess. - Hytac To read older news, go to the News Archive |
The Fanfiction Archive
Episode Transcripts and Reviews
News Archive
Previous Polls
Have a missed a link? Tell me
Boulder Hill
M.A.S.K. Universe.
MASK Crusaders NL - The successor to The M.A.S.K. Universe. Worth your time.
The Secret Files of the Mobile Armored Strike Kommand
M.A.S.K. Page
Secret Raiders Kenneth
Berger's M.A.S.K. Site Pandora's Penumbra M.A.S.K. 2k: The
Condition Red [CyberTOOn] T-Bob's
M.A.S.K. Campaign.
Episode Links
URLs coutesy of EternalGo
Megaman's Animated Feature of the Week - Free Realvideo files of old 80's cartoons. Updated fortnightly. Hip hip hurray!
Matt's M.A.S.K. Video Archive!!! Epizode Will's Cartoon Exchange
Katie's Cartoon Page Toysites
The Mindforge is merely linking these toys sites, and is in no way responsible for any unfortunate incidents that might have occured after visiting any of the below sites.
Robozone's M.A.S.K. Page Albert Penello's M.A.S.K. site. Digital Toys Men In Black Collectibles Dead Links Kevin's
M.A.S.K. Fan Page Marcel Beringer's Tribute to the M.A.S.K. The
M.A.S.K. Zone
The House of Glee |
This M.A.S.K. Webring
M.A.S.K. is the copyright of Kenner-Parker toys and DIC. All pictures and original material concerning them belongs to the aforementioned companies.
The Mindforge is no way responsible for any copyright violations any of its contributions might have violated.
The Half-Mask comic is the sole copyright of Hytac. Do not use without Written Permission and Approval!
The contributions hosted by the site are the properties of their respective owners. The Mindforge lays no claim on them. They, however, are not to be used without the permission of their respective owners.
The Mindforge logo, site content and original pictures are the property of the M.A.S.K. Mindforge. Any site plagarising them will face my wrath and be reported to their respective webpage providers at once.