A Witch and Her Familiar

Hey everyone out there! I’ve been working on this little fanfic about the M.A.S.K.’s run-in with a witch. It’s not my best, and I am aware that there are quite some holes in the plot and narration, but I just can’t seem to repair them well enough.


Inertia yawned. “Blast these winter months…” she grumbled. The hibernating instinct was starting to take affect. She glared at the golden chalice that sat on her table. It was still half full of wine and honey.

“If it wasn’t bad enough that you cost me a fortune in wine,” she accused it. “You give me stupid side affects!” Still, it was worth it. Especially if that idiot Mayhem kept his end of the bargain.

The cave-cabin, her most recent retreat, was more like a menagerie at the moment. A golden eagle roosted in her miniature aviary. A black cat and a red fox were in two separate cages in the corner, alongside the female Arctic hare. An Alaskan Husky was tied up at the other end from the room, growling.

“I know you don’t like me.” She said to him. “I don’t like you either.” She wondered absently which of the animals was causing that awful stink. And that bloody noise was giving her a headache.

“Shut up!” She screamed at the irritating red fox that insisted on yapping. The fox quieted for a few minutes, and resumed the noise. Inertia gave an exasperated groan. Briefly, she considered using her magic arts to shut the stupid thing up, but decided against it. Instead, she used the orthodox method: she kicked the cage.

The fox shut up. “And stay quiet!” she snapped. “Don’t you have something else to do, like hibernate?” She felt that the fox was somehow scowling at her, but at least it curled itself up and seemed to go to sleep. She heaved a sigh of relief. The cat hissed at her and the hare tried to nibble the cage bars, but she could live with that. Anything was better than that stupid yowling of the fox. Already she was beginning to miss her familiar, which had gone out hunting for a few days.

It was almost time. She walked over to the rack, running her eye over the assorted masks that were arranged there. Most of them were bulky and she wondered how anyone could-would wear them. The things were so ugly! Inertia imagined herself wearing one and almost laughed out loud. Yeah right.

She picked up the grey and red one. What was it called again? Spectra or Scepter or something like that. It was heavy, at least to her. Tucking it under one arm, she headed for the door. “I’ll say hi to him for you.” She taunted as she passed the aviary. The eagle stared at her silently. Somehow, he unnerved her. “What are you staring at?” she demanded. “The mask or me?”

It was the mask, she decided. Not that she was that uninteresting. In fact, the eagle might have easily been interested in her hair, which was braided and was so long that it resembled a golden snake- eagle food. Turning her back on the assortment of exceptionally annoying animals, she opened the door and went outside.

Thank goodness for the fur coat. The Alaskan wind tore at her, and she hoped that Mayhem wouldn’t be late. As it turned out, he wasn’t.

“Lady Inertia, I perceive?” said the corpulent man after the helicopter landed. He must be well protected against the cold if layers of blubber meant anything, Inertia thought idly. “Who else would be standing out here in the middle of nowhere?” she barked sharply.

Miles Mayhem looked displeased, but he hid it and continued. “Let me get this straight- you want me to get you the Dragon’s Orb from the International Museum of Artifacts and in return you’ll get rid of the M.A.S.K. for me?”

“I will make sure they don’t interfere in your businesses for a while. But I want my payment first.” Inertia replied. “You deliver me the Dragon’s Orb, and the M.A.S.K. will go missing.”

“How long?” asked Mayhem, a greedy light in his eyes.

“Half a year. I imagine it would be most easy for you to amass as much wealth as you want in that period of time.”

“Only half?” protested Mayhem.

“A whole year if you can get me something even better.”

Mayhem did not look pleased. “That’s too short.” He said.

Inertia crossed her arms and tried imagining living with those disgusting creatures for half a year. “Six months. No more- no less.”

“All right, all right. But I want proof first.” Mayhem said. “How can I know I can trust you?”

Inertia held up the Spec-whatever mask for him to see. “This is proof not to underestimate my powers,” she said, enjoying the look on Mayhem’s face. “and you can trust me because you don’t have to.” She wondered if he had enough brains to understand what that meant. She was not a mind-mage, but she could sense a certain reluctance from him.

“What if I… ” began Mayhem. Inertia cut him off. “You have one week to get the Orb, Mayhem. No more- no less. We meet back here at seven A.M. Come alone and Don’t be late. If you think you can take me by force, think again.”

Mayhem nodded. “Let’s shake on it.” He said. Inertia didn’t like the idea, but she put the mask down and shook anyway. Mayhem got back into his helicopter and prepared to take off. Inertia waited until he had risen and was beginning to head south when she bent down and picked up the mask again. Funny. It felt much lighter.

What Inertia and Mayhem didn’t know however, was that the Switchblade had a stowaway.



Alex Sector was having a pretty normal day at his pet shop. Or that was what he thought when he was about to close it for the night.

However, to his surprise, a flying squirrel had decided to pay him a visit. The Squirrel had bounded in, seemingly fearless, and jumped onto the counter, gazing at him with a pitiful expression.

The Squirrel couldn’t be wild- flying squirrels didn’t thrive in temperate habitats. And even if they did, they wouldn’t go into pet shops and sit on the counter like it owned the place.

But the thing that really took the cake was when it began to talk. At first he thought it was just chattering, but slowly, he realized it was talking.

“needtogoback maskintrouble witchhasthem alexhelp” the thing chattered, bouncing up and down impatiently as it did so.

Alex couldn’t make out its words very well though. But something about the squirrel’s manner was vaguely familiar.

“scottI’mscott it’sme pleasehelp”

“Scott? Why on earth are you a squirrel?” exclaimed Alex once he understood the sentence.

“longstory maskhadamission isneakedalongbutitwasatrapandthewitchgotusall

The whole story took the better part of the night to comprehend, but finally, Alex got the facts straight.



Inertia waited patiently, her white fur coat and hat blending perfectly into the snow. She spied at the men below, or more accurately, the four men and the woman below. All were clad in brightly coloured uniforms that made them stand out against the stark winter land. Inertia shook her head, wondering if they knew how easily she could have shot them from half a mile away if she had had a rifle.

The leader, the man in grey and red- Matt Trakker, according to Deshyu’s mind probe, was looking around. No fool, him. Inertia almost pitied the lone woman, whom she was sure she would have liked if she were on her side. It was a pity really, a nice woman like her in a bunch of men like that. Not that they were all stupid, mind you. Deshyu’s mind probe showed that all of them had their bright spots.

Still, they weren’t bright enough to sense a trap. But then, it was set up by her and Deshyu, so that gave them an excuse, albeit a weak one.

“They must still be wondering how they had lost the V.E.N.O.M.” Inertia said to Deshyu. “You’d think the guy in with the hologram mask would suspect the whole thing was an illusion.”

“Or the One-with-the-all-seeing mask.” Deshyu added. But no, the One-in-yellow and the One-who-led hadn’t even given it a thought.

Pathetic two-leggers.

Inertia glanced down at the chalice she held in her hands- The legendary Circe’s cup. A mixture of sweet red wine and honey sloshed in it. Inertia wouldn’t be able to get the four men and the woman to drink from the cup, but she could, however, do it with a spell, although the side effects and spell requirements would be different from the ones Circe the sorceress had used.

“Hurry before the wine freezes, faithful-beloved.” warned Deshyu. Deshyu the falcon was one of the very few animals with magical abilities. His mind powers had been what that compelled Inertia to pick him for her familiar- she couldn’t do mind magic herself.

“Very well, Desh.” Inertia said. “Help me now.” Deshyu nodded and Inertia could feel the digging of his talons into his shoulder, as he shifted his position.
Inertia held out the chalice, as if proposing a toast. Then she and the falcon began to weave the spell.

“Sweetest honey, Sweetest wine,
Heed the words of our spell divine,
Drops of honey, Drops of wine,
Turn to flakes and make them mine!”

Not very grammatical, Inertia thought as the spell began to take effect. But as least it worked.

The wine in the cup rose drop by drop and crystallized into beautiful snowflakes; each unique. Then they changed from the deep red they had been to a light rosy pink, and began drifting away, borne upon the icy wind.

And drifted down on the five that stood below Inertia’s cliff. All they had to do was to touch their host and it would do to them what it did when Circe offered the wine to Odysseus’s crew. At first she had been worried that the all-covering uniforms and the head masks would mar her plan, but they had taken off the masks after there seemed to be no danger- a fatal mistake for them.

The enchanted snowflakes settled on the five, sticking in their hair, melting on their faces, and melting in their hands. They were hers and Deshyu’s. Some of the snowflakes drifted to where their vehicles were parked, but that didn’t bother her. She was too intent on watching the transformations.

“Now, Deshyu!” she cried. With a cry, the peregrine falcon swooped onto its prey, a net held in its claws. He dropped it on the leader, ensuring it wouldn’t escape by flight. He then swooped out of the way, knowing his witch would do the rest and it was wise to be out of range by then.

“Azure, Crimson, Blue and Red!
Hear my voice and sleep like dead!” Inertia exclaimed.
Deshyu was high up in the sky by then, and out of earshot. She saw the five crumple to the snow and sleep, not to wake up again until many, many hours-which suited her just fine.

She didn’t even notice that from the one of the vehicles, a flying squirrel peered fearfully from behind the tires.



“…thewitchtookthemprisoner.” Scott exclaimed. Alex, having gotten the hang of translating Scott’s chatter, interpreted it for Dusty Haynes and Jacques LaFleur , whom he had called for help.

“He said the witch took them prisoner.”


“He hid in Spectrum and hitched a ride on Mayhem’s helicopter.”


“Then he got here after Mayhem landed.”

“I wonder why the witch’s sleeping spell didn’t effect Scott?” Dusty pondered. “You think it was ‘cause he was too far away?”

“I hypothesize that the witch can cast spells only on those she intends to.” Alex said.

“Does she have the masks still, or did she give
them to Mayhem?” Jacques asked.

“nononono! Shestillhasthem.” Scott assured. “isawisaw!”

“Then there’s only one thing we can do.” Alex decided. “We must get to Alaska as fast as we can and find the others. Jacques?”

“I should be able to guide us once we get there, but it’s too dangerous to drive there-the blizzards that have been raging the past two days have completely blocked what little roads available. They will be impassable to most of our vehicles.”

“We will find a way.” Said Alex.



Two snowmobiles raced across the snow, cutting trails through the drifts of white that blanketed everywhere. Dusty Haynes and Alec Sector sat on one; Jacques LaFleur and Scott Trakker were on the other. All three men wore their respective masks.

“The vehicles should be somewhere around here!” Jacques shouted to the other two. “Keep an eye out for…”

Thump! Jacques’s snowmobile hit something and nearly went out of control. Fortunately, he quickly regained control and stopped to investigate. “Over here!” he shouted. Scott chattered excitedly and began digging. A patch of red rewarded his efforts.

“It’s the Rhino!” the vehicles must have been buried in the blizzard. The three men and squirrel began uncovering the vehicles, but found it to be an impossible job after a while.

“We’ll have to come back for them.” Alex said.

“At least we know the others are somewhere nearby.
She couldn’t have taken them far.” Said Jacques.

Scott suddenly bounded off, chattering, “followmefollowme Iscentthem!” The three men followed him as he hurried off, heading for the nearby snow capped mountains and ridges.

“There must be caves in there.” Said Jacques.

He was right. One of the caves had been converted
into a cabin. A yapping noise confirmed that this was indeed the witch’s lair. Jacques motioned for them to keep quiet.

“What do we do now?” asked Dusty. “Do we jump her?”

“We must have a plan first.” Alex pointed out. “According to what Scott says, the witch’s spells are mostly cast with her voice.”

“If we can shut her up…”

“…She will be powerless.” Alex finished.

Dusty grinned. “Sounds good to me.”

Inertia was thoroughly fed up. She was in a bad mood that day- aside from missing her familiar, the animals- particularly that blasted fox, had been giving her no end of trouble. Which was the reason why she was frantically through her spellbooks, searching for something she could do about it.

Yip, yip, yip, yip…

She lost her temper. Before she had time to reconsider, she had recited a telekinesis spell and slammed the fox’s cage against the wall; not hard enough to break the cage, but enough to give the thing a good shaking. “Shut up or hibernate- or else…” she thought of something really terrible that would shut the animal up. “Or else I’ll turn your into a nice fur hat -and give what’s left to Deshyu!”

That shut him up- for a moment.

Suddenly, the door burst open. The figure of a man stood in the doorway, fired something at her, and ran off. Inertia deflected whatever the thing was with her magic and went it pursuit at once. Who dared to attack in at her like that?

Then, two other figures who had been waiting for her at the side of the doorway leapt on her, one covering her mouth. She bit his hand and sent him sprawling with and unexpected kick. Thought Inertia gave the impression that she was physically frail, the truth was just the opposite. The other man was pining her arms to her sides. She stomped on his foot, and feeling his grip slacken, sent her elbow digging into his ribs. He let her go and Inertia backed away.

“You’ll pay dearly for that!” she snarled at the two, a man with no hair except for a red beard, and other younger one with brown hair. “Let’s just see how you look as a bear or a hyena!”

Another hand clamped her on the mouth. A voice spoke as she struggled, but to no avail. This man had a firm grip and was stronger than she. “Why don’t you turn me into a caribou while you’re at it?” he said. She couldn’t struggle free at all and the other two were recovering.

She was in trouble. Well, sort of.

Jacques escorted their prisoner into the cabin. Scott chattered excitedly on seeing the other animals; they in turn, called back.

“We’d better let the animals go.” Dusty said as he released the cat. The black feline bounded out onto the top of a bookshelf, gazing warily at the dog. The eagle scrambled out of the aviary and perched on the back of a chair. The hare scuttled over to the three men, whilst the fox slinked about for some time, eyeing the hare and squirrel before settling down at the hearth.

Jacques had offered to allow Inertia the freedom of her voice if she didn’t try any magic tricks. The others had been doubtful over the fact that she would keep her promise of not, but Jacques reasoned he could act faster than she could speak. Once free to speak, she had given the other two a scathing speech about a Spellcaster’s Honour or something of a similar vein. Anyway, the general impression was that she wouldn’t try anything underhand.

Dusty suddenly noticed the chalice on the table. “What’s that?”

“Something you should not touch.” Inertia replied frostily.

“I bet that’s what’s doing the magic.” Said Dusty. “What if
I break it…”

“No!” Inertia said quickly.

Dusty picked up the chalice, carefully not spilling any of the wine. There was about a sixth of the wine left. “Like some?” he said to Inertia. “A taste of your own medicine.”
“Nice try.” Inertia said snidely. “Do that and you won’t know how to undo the spell.” The three couldn’t deny that fact. “I’ll make you an offer.” Inertia continued. “I’ll undo the spell for you on one condition.”

“Which is?” prompted Alex.

“You release me.” Inertia said shrewdly.

“No way!” Dusty exclaimed.

“We have no choice.” Alex said, resigned. “Jacques?”

“If she agrees to a truce and not attack us when she is free.”

“Done.” Said Inertia. “I’ll start now. Redbeard, take those dried grasses over there.” She motioned with her head to Alex, who complied. “Take them and put them into one of the bowls I have in my cupboard there. No, not that one. Yes, there.”

“You, Wildcard,” she said, meaning Dusty. “Take that bottle from the shelf- I said shelf, not cupboard. Can’t you tell the difference?” she scolded, undeterred by the fact she was prisoner and him captor. “The clear one… yes that one. Well done, genius.” She said sarcastically. “Give that to Redbeard. Redbeard, pour some of the liquid inside the bowl- don’t touch it. Yes, that is enough.” She went on instructing Alex and Dusty on the making of the antidote, whilst Jacques kept watch on her. Occasionally, she would say something like, “Take the herbs in the basket and add them in.” or “Pestle and mortar, you idiot! Not grinding slabs!” and (most often to Dusty.) “Well done, genius. I can’t believe you actually managed it.”

It took several hours, and it was early morning of the next day when they finally finished. “Feed them to the animals.” Instructed Inertia.

“Nothing’s happening!” Dusty said after a while. The antidote had been fed to the animals, but with no results.

“Patience, you fool!” snapped Inertia back. Even as she spoke, a hush befell the room. The eagle, still perching on the chair, suddenly gave a cry and startled them all. The squirrel rushed about like an obsessed animal. The cat began caterwauling and the dog joined in. The fox started yapping again, making Inertia frown.

Then, one by one, they began to change. The eagle transformed into Matt Trakker and his son reverted from his squirrel form into the inquisitive boy they all knew. The cat turned into Bruce Sato, who had only one moment of relief before he fell off the shelf. The dog turned into Buddy Hawks, and the hare revealed herself to be Gloria Baker. Last but not least, the red fox reverted into the man known by the name of Brad Turner.

“Thank you.” Said Bruce. “I was beginning to think we would be stuck that way for a very long time.”

“I don’t feel like hibernating, thanks.” Said Brad to Inertia.

“Shut up.” She retorted.

The little cabin was beginning to feel a little crowded, so Brad and Gloria went outside. The others remaining inside, talking over what had happened. They were, however, interrupted by Inertia.

“I kept my end of the bargain. Now keep yours.” She challenged.

Jacques was about to free her when he was stopped by Matt.

“Do you hear something?” he asked, a puzzled look on his face. They all quieted. There was a beating noise- unmistakably the sound of helicopter blades.
Brad and Gloria came rushing into the cabin. “It’s the V.E.N.O.M!” Gloria exclaimed. “We have about five minutes before they get here.” Brad added.

“Mayhem!” Inertia blurted as she remembered the appointment made a week ago.

“You knew they were coming?” Jacques questioned.

“Yes- but I…” began Inertia.

“We’ve been tricked. So much for Spellcaster’s Honour.” Said Dusty. “The deal’s off.”

“You promised!” protested Inertia.

“You broke yours first.”

“I did not!” she denied.

“We have no time for this.” Matt rushed to the rack where Inertia had stored their masks, grabbing each and tossing them to their respective owners. “We don’t have our vehicles, but we do have our masks. We might just be able to fight them off. How many of them are there?”

“Just Switchblade. I think.” Brad replied and he slid Hocus-Pocus onto his head.

“We still have a chance. Jacques, make sure the witch can’t interfere.”

Jacques nodded and tied Inertia to the window bars. They then rushed outside to face their arch-enemy. “I did not break my pact!” Inertia shouted after them. “And I’ve enough of these little games!”

“We’ll let you go when we’ve got rid of the V.E.N.O.M.!” Dusty told her as he ran off.

The enemy vehicle was circling in the air, all but resembling a giant bird of prey.

“We’ve been spotted!” Gloria reported as the panels that concealed the vehicle’s weapons slid open. She had barely enough time to activate Aura before the first shots came raining down. The snow began to melt in patches were the shots hit. The M.A.S.K. returned fire, and raced for cover as a second volley of shots came raining down.

One of Mayhem’s infamous torpedo missiles whizzed through the air towards them, but Bruce deflected it with a shot from his Lifter mask. The missile was ‘lifted’ towards the direction of helicopter, forcing its pilot to dodge. The battle was heated, and unfortunately, most of the M.A.S.K. masks they had were not of an attacking function.

“Matt!” Bruce suddenly cried. “They have reinforcements!”

Sure enough, Manta, flanked by Stinger and Vampire, appeared. Hope that had for a moment risen, fell once more. The enemy fire quadrupled.

Another Torpedo missile headed straight for Matt and Jacques. Bruce fired Lifter, hoping to repeat his earlier maneuver. The Lifter beams sailed into the skies, on interception course with the missile. They closed in to their target, -and missed.

Gloria was too far away to help, and the others had barely enough time to shout out a warning. Just as impact seemed imminent, an unknown shaft of light hit the missile and it crumbled into dust. Surprised, the agents glanced up.

Inertia stood proudly on a rocky cliff above them, inexplicably released from her bonds. The figure of a bird perched on her shoulder, and even as they looked, the magnificent falcon spread its wings and flew, straight toward the Switchblade. “That’s for my sense of honour!” Inertia called down to them. Astonished, the agents saw the falcon close in to the helicopter, not at all bothered by the draft from the rotating blades. “Mayhem! I said come alone! You were planning to betray me, weren’t you?” Inertia shouted.

The falcon attacked Mayhem, shattering the windscreen and grappling with him for something they all couldn’t see. Then as the helicopter veered crazily away, something small and sparkling fell from the helicopter. The falcon dove to catch it, seeming to be falling more than flying. With unbelievable speed, the witch’s familiar caught the bauble as it would a fallen prey and swooped back to its witch.

Manta moved to attack the bird and witch, but a cloud that had been white suddenly turned grey and then an almost black. “Fools! A price dear shall you pay for the breaking of our pact! Face the wrath of Inertia the Sorceress! Forces of ice/ Heed my call/ Destroy my foes/ Make them fall!” came the voice of the witch. Water vapor condensed and instantly froze, letting gravity pull them down from the heavens.

“Take cover!” shouted Matt once he comprehended what was about to happen. The agents who had been staring in awe scrambled for shelter as gargantuan hailstones the size of footballs crashed down. Those that hit the snow stayed there, dotting the landscape, while the ones that hit exposed rock shattered, sending ice fragments, dirt and chipped stone flying into the air. The V.E.N.O.M. vehicles were hit several times and badly damaged. And out in the open, untouched by the fury of the arcane hailstorm, Inertia the Sorceress-Witch put up her arm for her familiar to land on, crying words inaudible. The M.A.S.K. were astounded by the display of power and the battle between sorcery and technology. It was hard to believe the woman that could command the elements like that could have been under their control.

“Uh, does our not letting her go count as the breaking of the pact?” Gloria suddenly asked. “Because if it is, we might be next.”

“I hope not.” Said Matt as a hailstone (or rather,
hail-rock) exploded near him.

“I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” Brad said.
They waited for several minutes, expecting a hail-rock or something even worse to head for them each minute. After what seemed like hours in minutes, the hailstorm slowed.

Then it stopped.

The V.E.N.O.M. had long fled, cowing before the might of the sorceress. The agents emerged for their shelters, eyes not on the devastated landscape, but on the two figures that retreated from their sight. As new snow began to fall, the two, witch and familiar, waved and left.


Matt watched the figures as they moved out of sight. The witch’s cabin had been partially destroyed, but the front wall, strangely, was still intact. A few strands of severed cord were all that suggested the witch had been tied there. They had been easily torn apart by something sharp- like a falcon’s beak or talons. Matt wondered why the witch had captured them in the first place. She didn’t seem to bear them any particular enmity, unlike the V.E.N.O.M., for she had had her chance to destroy them while they were battling the V.E.N.O.M.. But instead, she had chosen to save them. It didn’t exactly make sense.

“A honourable enemy is a worthy friend.” Bruce said, as if reading his thoughts.

“What’s that mean?” said Buddy.

“That means, Buddy, our enemy may not always be our enemy.” Matt replied. “Now let’s go find our vehicles. We’ve been away for too long.”

“Lifter should be able to get ’em out of the snow.” Dusty said.

“And the Rhino should be able to clear a path for the land vehicles.” Alex added.

The agents left the cabin, suddenly eager to leave the place. Behind them they left the ruined cabin. Soon, it would be covered in the snow, and then swallowed up by the wilderness- and forgotten in the passages of time.
Inertia walked through the snow, enjoying the feel of the crisp cold air. “I’ve missed you, Desh.” She said to her familiar.

“The feeling is the same with me, beloved.” Deshyu
replied. “How fared you with the men-turned-animals?”

“Not too well, Desh. Actually, I’m glad things turned out the way they did. I don’t think I could have had a nice half-year living with them. But now…” she took out the Dragon’s Orb that Deshyu had retrieved from Mayhem.

“What, beloved?” Deshyu prompted.

“I have what I want- the Dragon’s Orb. No one got killed, and everyone’s happy except Mayhem. I did break my bargain, but that couldn’t be helped. Besides, he meant to betray me anyway. I have you here with me, and I got a chance to show off.”

“So did I, beloved. It has been long since I have had my chance, and your display of sky-ice is nice to watch.” Deshyu replied.

“I couldn’t have done it without you, though. Circe never had much luck with that cup… maybe it was because she didn’t have a familiar like you. If she had, she could have turned Odysseus into a lion or whatever she wanted. ”

“That is too kind, my witch.”

They moved on, not to meet the M.A.S.K. again for a very long time.


Circe- Mythical witch who was notorious for her affinity of turning people into animals
by offering them ensorcelled honey and wine. She tried to turn Odysseus (Hero of Greek mythology) into an animal, but her plans were foiled.
Familiar- A companion or aide; in this case, an animal that helps a witch/warlock and
keeps them company.

Comments, hate mail, anything else, please send to hytac@hotmail.com