A Typical Episode Day
By Hytac

I glance around. Nobody is watching. Stealthily, I log on to the computer, go to Yahoo and type in the ‘Search For’ box: m.a.s.k.. A moment later, the results appear. There is one link simply titled ‘M.A.S.K.’. I click on it.

The page loads, and I get a message asking me if I want to enter the page with or without frames. I choose frames. Another short wait. “Web site found. Waiting for reply.” Says the bar at the bottom of the screen. I tap my fingers impatiently. The page always takes a long time to load, no thanks to my not-so-fast modem.

Tom Slick’s M.A.S.K. Website fills my screen. Excitedly, I scan the page.

Darn. No new updates. I shrug. I go to my next destination: Megaman’s Animated Feature of the Week. Again, the page loads, this time, thankfully much faster. I look, my heart in my mouth. I have been waiting for this moment for two weeks.

Hurray! There’s a new M.A.S.K. episode! After executing a jubilant dance around the computer room, I gather my joyful wits, sit down again and download it. It will take around half an hour on my 31,000bps modem, but of course, more than worth it.

While waiting, I log on to Hotmail, checking the box for new mail. Good. There are 3. Two of them are junk mail, which I promptly send to my trash can. The other one is a response concerning my brand new web page. (That is, the same site you’re now on; The M.A.S.K. Mindforge). I note the contents, reply and compose another letter.)

I’ve killed about 20 minutes.

I go on to Diabloii.net. Nothing interesting. I then decide to visit the Mindforge. I go there, a little glow of pride filling my heart every time I see the Mindforge logo. Since I started it sometime in May, it has already grown. It is still a relatively unknown site, but I, ever hopeful, plan to make it the main center for M.A.S.K. creation (fanfiction). But of course, I will need help from everyone. And that takes time. I do a bit of tweaking here and there, wondering how long will Yahoo take to process my site suggestion. Long, I guess.

Out comes the little box informing me that: ‘Download completed.’ Again, I feel like jumping for joy. My job here is done.

Log off, open zip file and play Realvideo. Plug in earphones, (For maximum effect) get comfortable and as the first notes of theme song begin to play, I smile in ecstasy as my favourite show appears in a two inch tall and three inch wide window. Three cheers for Megaman!

Masked Crusaders, Working overtime…


Apologies to anyone I may have offended with this rambling. I didn’t mean any offence. Honest. - Hytac